The elected officers of the society shall be the President, President-elect, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, all of whom must be active members of good standing at the time of election and during the terms of their office. They shall all be elected by the general assembly as prescribed in these bylaws.

All officers shall serve without any compensation.

The President of the Council shall be the chief executive officer of the society and shall be elected for 2 years and the presidency will rotate to reflect regional factuality of the country and the existence and functioning of transplant centers will also be given due consideration while electing the President. The President shall ensure strict adherence of the constitution of the Society as set forth in these by-laws and execution of the rules and regulations of the society. He shall have direct charge of and general supervision of the business and affairs of the society and shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the President of a corporation including directing discussions of the Council and of the general assembly, formulating propositions for the submission to the council and to the general assembly, collecting ballots and proclaiming decisions by the general assembly and the council.

The President Elect shall succeed the President upon completion of his term of his office at the time of the next general assembly during the Congress of the Society or upon any earlier vacancy in the office of the President.

The Vice-President shall act temporarily in the absence of the President and he shall be elected for two years.

The Secretary General shall be elected for two years. He shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council and also of the memberships of the society and shall serve for 2 years. He shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws and shall keep the membership record of the society which will include identification number, date of admission to membership and payment of the required dues. He will be the custodian of all contracts, assignment and other legal documents and records including all resolutions taken with dates and exact format. He shall be the responsible for the organization of the meeting of the general assembly and of the Council and for return reports and printed correspondence issued in the name of the society. The Secretary shall be ex-office member of all committees and also coordinate communication between the council any properly constituted committees.

The Treasurer shall be elected for 2 years. He shall be in charge of and responsible for all funds of the society. He shall be responsible for collecting membership fees and report defaults of payments thereof to the Council. He shall keep record of all expenses and accounts of the society and shall render to the President and to the Council whenever requested an account of the financial condition of the Society and shall report to the Council and to the general assembly and should submit financial statements certified or audited by any group of individuals chosen by the Council.